... is out next Monday. Please tell your friends! Here's the cover -- hope you like it. And here's the link to amazon -- please spread the word. Am having an utterly vile time (have just walked home weeping), but am trying to Think Ahead. Must post news of literary festivals: Glasgow Aye Write, on March 9th; Ways With Words, in Cumbria on March 6th; and trips to Leeds on March 5th, Newcastle on March 19th and Harrogate (I think) for a Yorkshire Post liteary lunch on March 26th. Will go and drink camomile tea, and pull self together...
I have a friend in Glasgow and one near Leeds, so will spread the word to go see you.
I'm so sorry you're having such a horrid time. I hope the camomile tea helps you to regain a bit of yourself.
Camomile tea and a handful of almonds...
Have just told all my web friends on an American women's group I belong to, about Daphne and some have already said they will look for it. It may not help sales bit I have loaned my copy to two different friends!
Please don't answer this if you don't want to, but is the split one that is likely to be permanent or is there possibility of reunion? Many men do this and then eventually find the grass is no greener. I wish I had stuck to camomile tea! I think it was during my similar trauma that I got too fond of red wine and cheese.
The US paperback edition is not available until August, according to Amazon, so I may just say damn it all to shipping costs and order it from Amazon UK, because I can't wait until August. Plus I prefer the cover of the UK edition to the American one, I think.
Other things that I find immensely cheering: The Shakespeare Re-Told version of The Taming of the Shrew (with the brilliant Shirley Henderson and Rufus Sewell), cupcakes (whether homemade or from a fancy bakery that decorates their cakes with sugared violets), and a steaming bowl of pho, that Vietnamese noodle soup, most often made with beef.
I love the paperback cover, Justine, although I also loved the woodcut on the cover of the hardback. Good luck with it. I'm sorry you're having such a horrible time. I hope the camomile tea helps.
Jean, thanks for spreading the word in America, where the hardback is still out. And in answer to your question: yes (sadly).
Kairu: mmm, Vietnamese noodles -- sounds good. Do you have a recipe?
Lyn: glad you like the paperback cover. Am on the real tea this morning, because mornings wouldn't get started without it.
Oxford Reader -- thanks, as always, for spreading the word!
I've had a voucher from Amazon for a while, saving it for something more worthwhile than a study guide for my son (might be worthwhile but not personal!) or a computer cable. I'll dash off and spend it on Daphne.
More daylight, spring flowers in bud - perhaps some of these things will help.
Make a little detour to Edinburgh when you're on your Glasgow trip and I'll get the camomile tea out, and the cake, too.
(Shall spread the word about the book).
Justine, I am from Glasgow but am now living in London; I read about your appearance (with Piers Dudgeon) last month and I am so sad that I won't be in my home-city to attend. It is bound to be a riveting discussion about Daphne, JM Barrie and the Lwellyn-Davies family. I have informed friends to attend on my behalf. I will also recommend that they buy the paperback of your book as I proudly display the hardback.
Justine - Actually I've never tried making these noodles at home. If Vietnamese noodle shops haven't made it to your side of the Atlantic yet, I'll see if I can dig you up a recipe somewhere.
I like a cup of tea in the morning, especially if the tea is from Mariage Freres and brewed in one of my teapots shaped like an owl.
Sadly, I have to get to Glasgow and back in a day, which is an exhausting thought, but necessary, because of my sons. Otherwise, I'd have loved some tea and cake in Edinburgh!
GPmum -- that is so kind of you, to spend your amazon voucher on Daphne. Hope you like it...
Tonight I made linguine with chili, prawns, rocket and parmesan for my younger son and some of his friends. We had pancakes first, because it was pancake day...
I think I've already given up enough to not give anything up for Lent.
Pancakes,yum.I made pancakes for my daughter too.I agree,you have already given up TOO much,to bother about giving up anything for lent.
Teenagers still need heaps of mothering (maybe more),so its good that you have your boys to keep your spirits up and to remind you how loved and important you really are,despite the way you may be feeling inside.
Just on the release of the paperback version of Daphne.I have the paperback with the woodcut on the cover.Is this a special Australian release?I bought it last year.I would like to tell my bookclub friends what edition to look out for in the Melbourne Bookshops.
That linguine recipie sounds great - chilli and prawns go fantastically together! I had some special Slovak pancakes, which involve jam, chocolate and whipped cream. In my beffudled state aftwerwards, I almost bought train tickets to Keswick for this week ... but it's next week you are gracing the lakes with your presence, and there's no way I can get there then!
Hope you, your son and his friends had a happy pancake day!
I love the sound of that prawn and chili pasta, too.
I am headed out - despite not being Catholic - for crepes with a friend. In years past when I studied Russian I would get together with a Russian Orthodox friend during Maslennitsa ("Butterweek") and eat piles of blini dripping with butter and sour cream, accompanied of course by icy-cold shots of vodka.
Mmmm, blinis...
You're so right about teenagers needing mothering.
Dear Justine,
I've just come across your lovely blog - I can't remember how, now... and want to say how much I was enjoying it (the link I followed plunged me into much older entries) until I got to your most recent news... Do hope against hope that this is not so, and if it is I just want to send you lots of love and strength and a big hug. It is a long time since we have seen each other, but the connections from all those years back do seem to hold, don't they? I know you like Cornwall, but if you ever fancy a nearer blast of seaside air (a good cure for everything, I find) then you are always welcome down on the south coast (where I am now living most of the time).
Elspeth! I think about you often, and read you in the Telegraph. Would love to see you...
I love your blog but I haven't checked it for a week or so and this! I am so sorry. Although I have only read your book 'if The Spirit Moves you' (which I read avidly) I will now make it my priority to order 'Daphne' and finally read it too. And your sister Ruth's book too, of which I have only read excerpts. I have also just emailed my sister to recommend to her your books and blog ...
Hi - so how are we going to do this?
Do you have Tracey's number still - as she could give you mine!
x Elspeth
Justine, I've just visited your blog for the first time for ages, having read your super piece about Jade - and I'm so sorry to hear your bad news. Look after yourself as well as the boys, you must be quite worn out. Chocolate is always good...
It probably won´t make much difference if I spread the word in Denmark right now, but I think the cover is very appealing.
Thanks to everyone for messages. Grief is so exhausting... am off to curl up in bed with dog... xxx
Dear Justine,
My copy of My Mother's Wedding Dress arrived today and I have been devouring it while curled up on the sofa with a cup of hot chocolate (made thick and intense with the most expensive chocolate I have in my cupboard). It is so beautiful it makes me want to weep.
Dogs are so comforting. It was beautiful day today, and as we walked across the park to dinner I saw many puppies out playing, and with each clockwork wag of their joyful tails I felt a little happier.
And if you take to reading favourite books from childhood - so comforting and reassuring - that you try Jane Brocket's recipe book Cherry Cake and Ginger Beer? Then you can eat the food from the books - macaroons, marmalade buns, gingerbread.... Old-fashioned favourites...
Oh dear I have made some false starts at the comments. Where is a teenager when one needs tech support?
I am sorry you are feeling vile Justine. I hope the arrival of Spring will pick you up, I know the longer daylight hours help me feel renewed. I don't know if I can wait until summer for the paperback - I do love the cover. I may have to use the Christmas gift certificate at the bookstore - it is burning a hole in my handbag.
Congratulations on the publication of the paperback version of Daphne. It's a wonderful novel, Justine, and you should be proud of the work you did on it. I have a copy of the hardback, but I should probably ask my library to make sure they have a copy as well!
My thoughts are with you as you work through this difficult time of your life.
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