Some small signs of progress have been made in my household. My younger son and I have taken all the clothes out of his wardrobe, and put the ones that no longer fit him (most of the contents, it turns out) into eight large plastic bags that are now blocking the hall. I have deadheaded the roses, removed as much of the bindweed as I can, and am trying to convince myself that the rest of the green invaders in my borders are not quite as bad as all that. Three of the garden chairs have collapsed, after a winter in the snow followed by teenage summer gatherings, and I am wondering how to rid myself of them (the broken chairs, that is, rather than the teenagers). Ditto, several dozen wire clothes hangers, that were found lurking in various corners of the wardrobe.
Still haven't done the paperwork in my study, but I did cook an excellent supper last night: chicken fillets in creme fraiche and wholegrain mustard, with salad, roast new potatoes, and peas with courgettes. Then chocolate icecream with blueberries; an unplanned yet oddly delicious combination.
Now, am going to tackle an overflowing chest of drawers, to fill more bags for the hall.
Cyril Connolly wrote: "There is no more sombre enemy of good art than the pram in the hall." What, I wonder, would he have made of the blockage of bags in mine?
The pram in the hall, or lack of one, reminded me of Ezra Pound and Olga Drudge who gave their daughter Mary to farmers in the Tirol at birth and retrieved her age ten. Which I learned from the gossipy, interesting book on Venice "The City of Falling Angels" by John Berendt.
I take my hangers to the dry cleaners who always seem happy to have them.
The pram in the hall is the enemy of many things but the friend of others. Monet managed.
I have just come back from a few days in Amsterdam with my children.
I am full of a tidying fervor but read this with my 'treat' cup of tea scheduled for when I've completed washing and putting away and wondered is the need to do these things something to do with the approach of September? It's January to us Mums really. A new season, a new start, new resolutions, and new possibilities. But! summers not over yet, I still have a a request for a summer pudding to fulfill.
You've obviously just come back from yr hols. I'm in Cornwall, wishing my house had half the contents. It will, it will
I found that the pram in the hall -- or rather, the buggy -- was actually conducive to creativity. It was many years ago (my sons are 16 and 20), but even so, I remember it well. Having children was an end in itself, as well as a new beginning; and they were part of what made me want to find a different way to work; instead of climbing up the ladder of editing on newspapers and magazines, I took a sideways leap -- out of financial security, but towards a kind of freedom. It has been a haphazard hopscotch, but I never regret it.
As for tidying: yes, you're right, it's something to do with seeing September as just around the corner: the start of a new term, and the publication of a new book. I love the idea of a clean slate, but of course, there can be no such thing. Too many stains in the carpet, too much in the way of paperwork, but how glad I am of all the wondrous life that comes in and out of the hall.
Hunca Munca would be pleased,Justine!
If only Hunca Munca could come with her dust pan and her broom to sweep my house...
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